Liar Liar pants on fire

Jennylee Taylor • Nov 10, 2019

What is your personal lie and how does it impact your life?

There has been much acclaimed research about the human phenomenon of lying and there are many reasons including to protect ourselves, to promote ourselves or to impact others. These lies are outward and told to deceive others and benefit ourselves in some way.

But what about the lies we tell ourselves.  The ones that are undermining everything we do in life? The insidious personal lie that pervades our own very existence and underpins everything we do. The one we unconsciously cross our fingers about hoping that no one will discover because we feel ashamed and embarrassed.

What is your personal lie?

The dictionary defines a lie as: “a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood”.

If you were asked: “what is the MOST negative thought you have about yourself”, what would you say?

Take a deep breath now and notice what comes up. Most people immediately have something come to mind in some way.

Whatever thought popped into your head   could be your personal lie.

Your personal lie is THE [underlined] MOST NEGATIVE thought you have about yourself that you carry around with you all day every day.  It’s the deep seeded bottom line belief that you took on board at some point to be true for you, and, it undermines everything you do. It’s like the white ants in your house that go about eating at your foundations until one day you are left with a skeleton of a home.  Like white ants, your personal lie is an unintentional untruth which can go unrecognised for a long time before you find out you need to do something about it.

How did you get this unintentional UNTRUTH?

When we come into this world, we carry with us the potential for leading a full, joyful, peaceful and rewarding life living in the truth of who we are as loving, creative, harmonious souls.  This is called being in your ETERNAL TRUTH.
The trouble is, along the way we listen to parents, siblings, teachers and respond to events in our environment and we start to believe that we are not these things.

We start to form an opinion of ourselves that reflects what we may be hearing or experiencing about who we are in life.  This opinion is amplified by our constant thoughts (60,000 a day).  Our thoughts drive our actions which produce results.  The results may be desirable or undesirable depending on how we are minding our language and usually come with emotions that are equally desirable or undesirable commensurate with the thought and subsequent result.  How we respond to these results then informs our belief system which in turns cycles back to inform our next thought and opinion.

If we are consistently hearing someone tell us that we are no good, will never amount to anything, are useless, or ugly we can become so attached to it that we start to believe it to be true. 

Or maybe you got the feeling that your opinion didn’t matter, you were overlooked in the family or no one seemed to listen to you. This might leave you feeling worthless, unlovable and like you are nothing.

What are some examples of the personal lie?

A common personal lie is “I am not good enough”.

Oh yes THAT chestnut! How many times have you thought this about yourself over the years?

You may not even know you are doing it so often.

You have repeated it so many times that it is now part of your cellular memory and every time you find yourself in a position where you are comparing yourself, or being compared to someone else the “I am not good enough” voice speaks out and you shrink back into yourself.

It MUST be true right? There always seemed to be someone better at doing the job, whatever you do doesn’t seem to be good enough for your partner, you feel like you just are not good at anything.
WRONG!  This is your very own PERSONAL LIE. 

Every time you are ready and excited about doing something awesome you unconsciously create circumstances to prove that you must not be good enough. It becomes a script that runs your life.

It’s EXHAUSTING because you are forever chasing a better result and can never stop to appreciate your wins because they don’t seem like wins to you.

You are always on guard, you feel like you are on a treadmill that never stops, your stress levels are high and worse still, you have no idea who you are anymore.

You feel like your life doesn’t seem to prosper, your relationships constantly fail or are really hard work, you don’t get that promotion at work, and over time you feel stuck, overwhelmed, frustrated and resentful.

It doesn’t matter how much harder you work than everyone else, how much higher you climb, how much you do good for others,  you never feel like it is enough, because you “know” that you are “not good enough”.

It all falls on your deaf ears when other people tell you how great you are, because deep down you just don’t believe it.  You even question to yourself why they could even think you are amazing because you “know” that you could have done better!

 What they don’t know and you don’t realise is that you are working SUPER HARD to show them that you are not, “not good enough” and to present a face to the world that is opposite to what you believe about yourself.

In fact on the outside everyone sees you as the successful one who is constantly kicking goals. You appear confident and are certainly good enough to them.

Why would you keep running the “I am not good enough” script?

Because as humans we inherently want to be right and you only need to look back at the repeating events in your life that don't bring you what you want to realise what your personal lie might be.

You are not getting the good stuff BECAUSE of what you unconsciously believe about yourself.

You unconsciously sabotage your life and set yourself up to be right as a person who believes that you are “not good enough”.

Some other common personal lies, how they might play out in your life and a possible Eternal Truth
  • I am worthless  > You can never get ahead financially, you feel like a doormat in relationship >   I am valuable/worthy
  • I am not good enough  >  You are highly stressed, you  don’t accept praise and always say it’s a “team effort” >   I am enough
  • I am nothing  >  No one seems to listen to you, you are invisible in relationship  >  I am valuable, worth it
  • I am a burden >   You wonder why they always leave you in relationship, your life seems “heavy” and not easy  >  I am easy to be with
  • I am ugly >   You are focused on how you look, you always aim to be the best dressed, you might work in an industry that puts a spotlight on your beauty >   I am beautiful
  • I am stupid  >  Always doing more courses and don’t feel like you know enough yet  >  I am wise/ clever
  • I am unlovable  >  You don’t seem to have loving relationships  >  I am lovable

It’s not all bad news though

THE TRUTH IS that you can stop running the personal lie script and start running the ETERNAL TRUTH script. You can let go of your belief that you are not good enough and breathe it out of your cellular memory.  You can use your breath to find that moment in time that you first believed it to be true and resolve the memory and emotion around it.

1.    First you find the awareness that this is what is going on
2.    Then you find what your ETERNAL TRUTH is (usually the opposite of your lie)
3.    You breathe and seek resolution of why you took on board your personal lie in the first place.
4.    You move forward in life living with your ETERNAL TRUTH
5.    You experience how your world transforms.

What impact can letting go of your personal lie have on your life?

When you let go of and resolve the source of your personal lie, life can feel different.
You come from a different place inside. Instead of using all of your energy to mask and hide and prove to others that you are not “not good enough”, you can come from a place of “I am enough”. 

From this place you can actually be more productive, more energetic, less stressed, and without overwhelm. You can feel freer, lighter, more confident, more at peace.

You can focus on: your relationships knowing that you ARE ENOUGH with love; your job with confidence that you have when you know you ARE ENOUGH; being more connected to your SELF and what you want in life as a person who IS ENOUGH.

You can BE YOU.

Jennylee has a practice where she works with people to reconnect with who they are so they can do whatever lights up their life coming from a place of internal power and peace. Contact Jennylee

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Let’s talk about opening up to receiving I have always been a great giver. I can easily give: to my family and friends through volunteering for communities I support to work by doing my best and taking on the things that no one else wants to do to my man compliments to passers by through gifting presents The list goes on … When it comes to receiving, well that’s another story. Up until a few years ago I couldn’t even receive a compliment at work for a job well done. I would default to “oh it was nothing, it was a team effort, and someone else could have done just as well” Then I learned that it is just as important to receive graciously as it is to give. If there were a whole heap of givers in the world and no receivers then the flow would stop. Imagine being a giver and you want to give a beautiful present to someone you love. You have put a lot of thought and energy into getting just the right thing. You wrap it up ad are excited about giving to the person you have in mind to receive it. The moment arrives and you give your gift and you find that the receiver resists it because “Oh you shouldn’t have. I really can’t take that. I know how you are struggling financially and I couldn’t possibly!” Has this ever happened to you? How do you feel as the giver? Did you feel deflated, sad, something else? As the receiver you denied the giver the feeling the act of giving with unconditional love and the warm fuzziness that comes with giving something truly from the heart. It’s the same with a simple thing like a compliment. The giver actually receives in the moment as well. In that instant when the receiver graciously receives the compliment, the praise, the gift, the love there is something that happens in the heart of the giver as well and the receiver that is wonderful. Think back to when you have given someone a compliment. “I love your hair today”. Is there a difference in how it makes you feel when the receiver replies “Oh it looks awful” rather than “Oh thank you.” Giving and receiving is best done with an authentic heart. The energy around it is important. If you are giving because you feel you "have to " then the energy may not be received well. Likewise if you are receiving something that truly doesn't serve you then its okay to receive graciously and then say that it is something that doesn't really fit for you. The act of acknowledgement This month I am focusing on receiving. I have big plans to give more and to do this I need also to be able to receive more. Receiving money easily particularly challenges me because I have heard all my life: “You have to work hard to earn money” “Rich people are not good” The more I work on my own personal blocks about this, the more I realise that when you block off one type of receiving you can block off receiving of all types. Giving myself permission to really open up to receiving more love, compassion, more of self, more peace, more of everything wonderful. This month in Breathing Circle we are focusing on OPENING TO RECEIVING It’s important to me to do my own work so I can support others to do theirs so today I laid down in a collegial breathing circle and breathed this for myself. Breathe in: Open to receiving with grace and ease Breathe out: Fear As I went into the conscious connected breathing cycle I connected with the infinity symbol, no beginning and no end to the cycle of giving and receiving. I met a part of me that was scared, wild and just trying to have the basic elements of survival. I witnessed her terror and acknowledged her rawness and vulnerability. I found peace with her. I felt privileged to be able to see myself that way and somehow I know that I can now open more graciously to receiving with ease. All the universe wants to do it to give to us with love and it’s up to us to clear the way and give ourselves permission to receive. This is the INTENTION we will be setting at Newcastle Breathing Circle this Monday night. Allow yourself to receive this gift through the support of the group. Go to the event to book your place. How open are you to receiving? -------------- Would you like to know more? Contact me and I would be happy to chat so you can get to know me.
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What is the importance of developing personal stamina and resilience to live in the “match of your own life”? As I was watching the tennis finals I was drawing comparisons to life in general. In the Australian Open men’s final last night where Dominic Thiem was playing Novak Djokovic who was going for his 8th AO win. It was the end of the 4th set and Djokovic had just evened up the score. They had been playing a fast and demanding game for the past 3 hours and they were heading into the 5th set decider. It was a match of stamina and resilience physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Could Thiem go the distance against a competitor who is arguably the fittest in the world who was defending his title and going for his 8th win? Could Djokovic endure when his predicted “walk over” win wasn’t unfolding that way and he had come close to losing in the 3rd set? According to the Australian Bureau of statistics, the average human life expectancy has increased for someone born in the mid 60’s from 67- 74 years to someone born in the 80’s to 74 – 79 years and in 2018 to 81-85 years. This means that intrinsically we are on average living longer and therefore require a different outlook and plan on how we play the life game. In the past we could treat our own self lightly because “hey, we will not live that long anyway”. Alongside that, the speed of change has ramped up in the past 40 years. We are being asked to do more in less time, learn more, communicate instantaneous and change the way we do things more frequently. In order to stay healthy in relationships, work, and personal life this requires a different approach. We have the opportunity to develop the ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort (stamina) and the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties (resilience) to not only live a greater quantity of years, and also have a better quality of life to ride the ups and downs of life during those years. By developing these traits we can minimise long term stress which leads to poor physical and emotional health and have go for living a freer, more joyful life. Physical stamina and resilience The tennis commentators had been talking about the physical fitness and flexibility of both players , comparing the prowess of each to be able to cover the court and having the flexibility to stop and change direction quickly. They were saying how Djokovic’s years of experience growing up on the ski slopes had helped him to develop the ability to do this and his ongoing commitment to his training program was what kept him at the top of the game. Now most of us don’t need the level of fitness that an elite tennis player needs to go head to head for a 5 set match. Yet how many of us really take the steps throughout life to make sure that we maintain our vitality and energy for life for the full length of our life match? Our bodies are like intricate machines. Unless we do the ongoing maintenance activities like regular exercise and movement, eating nourishing foods, drinking plenty of water and getting adequate sleep, as time goes by, our moving parts literally seize up and grind to a halt or breakdown completely through illness and disease. We can either wait to “fix” it when it is probably too late, or take preventative measures to maintain a well-oiled machine. Mental Stamina and Resilience The tennis final was also a test of mental stamina and resilience as they both attempted to “out think” each other on strategy and tactical approach. In this aspect they needed to be flexible as well and be prepared to have the resilience to go out of their comfort zones. To quote the ABC News article this morning Djokovic “always feels more comfortable when he is playing from the baseline, so he took himself out of his comfort zone when he opted for the serve and volley tactic to upset Thiem's rhythm”. Djokovic had to have the mental stamina to stay focused after a series of double faults and unforced errors and also demonstrate mental resilience by choosing to change his natural game in response to how the match was unfolding. Having the mental stamina and resilience to bend and be flexible in a changing world is more and more important as we experience big “environmental” changes in all aspects of our lives. For example, with technological advances it would be easy to be paralysed by the speed of change in business, how we go about our daily life, and how we are being asked to communicate differently if you didn’t have mental stamina and resilience to learn and adapt. Right now in Australia approximately 1 in 6 people are experiencing an anxiety condition and 21% of Australians have taken time off work in the past 12 months because they felt stressed, anxious, depressed or mentally unhealthy. Emotional Stamina and Resilience On the court the pressure around the expectations of winning or the push to win can affect the players emotionally as they strive and give all of themselves to the game at hand. Whether or not an “on the line” or “out” call is correct can have an impact on how the match unfolds. Often in those times the stress gets to them and emotional outbursts occur. How these moments are handled comes down to emotional stamina and resilience or emotional intelligence. Emotions are a great thing. They are our immediate response to whatever is going on in our lives and are a way of the body releasing and processing the physical energy that builds up when we are experiencing everything from pressure and grief, to joy and a proud moment. The trouble is that generally Western society frowns upon, or is uncomfortable in the presence of someone who is expressing their emotions and goes on to judge them as weak rather than strong. As a result there is a tendency to hold back, push down and resist emotions which over time come bubbling up anyway in ways and at times that are seemingly unrelated. Emotional resilience is about being able to healthily express emotions, to “roll with the punches” and to recover quickly rather than stay stuck in the emotional state. Spiritual Stamina and Resilience Last night as I was watching Djokovic return a blinding serve by Thiem I saw him hold his necklace pendant in his hand and kiss it. Djokovic is a practising Orthodox Christian and uses his influence and wealth to benefit those who need help. In terms of spiritual stamina and resilience, however, I am referring more to having a strong connection to Self. To having that internal courage and power which from the outside looks like confidence, inner strength and being comfortable in your own skin. It’s about not being affected by others around you, not taking anything personally, being able to see the good in everyone and having a presence that people are drawn to in a positive way. Going the distance in the match of your life The men’s singles final last night played out over just short of 4 hours. It was a microcosm of a human lifetime which involved high and low moments as tests of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual resilience where each player turned up fully prepared and ready as they could be in their own way. Whilst being mindful of the past (studying each other’s game) and mindful of the future (having the desire to win), the tennis players had to be totally in the moment and be resilient and adaptable to focus and play out the next point again and again for 4 hours. We all have the opportunity to be elite athletes in our own match called life. The quality of each point, game, set and match depends on how much we have developed the ability to sustain a long and healthy life and how strong our capacity to recover quickly from life’s difficulties. The thing is that the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of each of us are all linked. You cannot just focus on one area and expect to be able to hit a winning serve in life again and again. If you do this, at some point the other areas start shouting out for attention and you are off your game. Ways to prepare yourself so you can go the distance 1. Learn how to breathe optimally for your physical performance and to release built up emotional and mental stress 2. Mind your language - notice and modify your language that supports a healthy mindset 3. Integrate a mindful practice into your day to allow time for you to connect with who you are. How are you preparing yourself to “ go the distance ”? To learn more about Breathwork or contact me for a chat
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